Planning My First Visit

Your First Visit: What to Expect

During your initial consultation, whether it’s at the foot clinic or osteopathy clinic, your clinician will begin by asking you some questions. Following this, they’ll examine the areas of concern, aiming to accurately diagnose the issue before proceeding with treatment. If additional problem areas surface during the examination, your clinician will bring them to your attention. These may be addressed in the same appointment or on subsequent visits.

Alternatively, you’ll receive guidance on the next steps. Any self-help advice and future treatment recommendations will be clearly communicated. Most treatments are generally painless, even pleasant, and many individuals experience relief from their issues in the first appointment.

How long are appointments

Initial osteopathic appointments typically last one hour, with subsequent appointments taking half an hour. Podiatry appointments usually span half an hour, but on some occasions, patients may require a longer appointment.

Appointment Frequency: Tailored to Your Needs

The frequency of appointments varies based on your specific needs and the condition requiring treatment. Your clinician will provide a detailed explanation during your initial visit, outlining the recommended schedule.

Do I need a doctor’s referral to attend the clinic

No doctor’s referral is necessary. Patients often come directly to the clinic through word of mouth or online searches. The process is straightforward, allowing you direct access to the care you need.


On your first visit it is normal to be asked questions about your general health, other medical care you are receiving and also medication you may be taking. It is therefore useful to bring a list of medications you are taking, on your first visit.

Your questions answered

Raymond Nash is here to help you, not just in terms of treatment but also in terms of answering any questions you may have. Patients often have many questions, so if you have a number of questions, it may help for you to write them down prior to your visit, and bring them with you when you attend the clinic.

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